SDB red mud setting flocculants is used for settling aluminum red mud slurries in alumina plants, which provide high settling rates, better separation performance and reducing suspended solids significantly.
In the production of alumina, the solid particles in the red mud will be suspended in water, resulting in separation difficulties. Adding flocculants can change the surface charge and dispersion state of the particles in the water, so that the solid particles in the red mud can quickly gather into large pieces, which is conducive to settlement and separation. The addition of flocculant can obviously improve the settling speed and efficiency of red mud, shorten the production cycle, and improve the purity of alumina. At the same time, flocculants can also reduce the amount of wastewater and treatment costs, and play a positive role in environmental protection.
In practical applications, SDB will determine the type and dosage of flocculant according to the specific production process and red mud characteristics.
Sedimentation and separation of red mud is an extremely complicated physical and chemical process. The Bayer process dissolving pulp is a suspension formed by red mud and sodium aluminate solution. Due to the complex physical and chemical interactions between the red mud particles and the solution,the phase composition,distribution, surface morphology of red mud particles, solid content of red mud slurry, liquid phase composition, red mud slurry temperature, etc. all have significant effects on the sedimentation and separation process of red mud slurry.
By adding specific flocculant can greatly increase the settle speed of solid-liguid separation. The mechanism of high-molecular flocculants lies in the effective coagulation between the red mud particles through adsorption bridges, surface adsorption and charge neutralization, and the formation of "large particles", which greatly accelerates the settling velocity. Different dissolution ore pulps have different properties, and the appropriate polymer flocculants must be selected through experiments before achieving high efficient separation of red mud on site.
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